I-voting – przyszłość demokracji?
I-voting – the Future of Democracy?
Author(s): Krzysztof Szabłowski
Subject(s): Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Civil Law
Published by: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
Keywords: elections; voting; alternative voting methods; Internet
Summary/Abstract: Many researchers consider i-voting as one of the ways to meet voters expectations. The initial, strong assumption that there is a direct relation between applying i-voting to voters and increasing the voter turnout, seems to be highly problematic. Research results suggest that in this respect i-voting provides, above all, an additional opportunity to participate in the vote. The fact that one takes advantage of it it does not result from any necessity, but is primarily a consequence of a freely made decision, influenced by other factors, such as convenience or curiosity about changing the usual way of participating in the vote. On the other hand, opponents regard i-voting as a serious threat to basic principles of elections.
Book: Aktualne wyzwania prawa wyborczego
- Page Range: 286-298
- Page Count: 14
- Publication Year: 2021
- Language: Polish