Модели на потребление на филмови продукти преди и след пандемията от Ковид-19
Film Products Consumption Models Before and After the Covid-19 Pandemic

Author(s): Ivan Nachev
Subject(s): Economy, Fine Arts / Performing Arts, Micro-Economics, Film / Cinema / Cinematography
Published by: Университет за национално и световно стопанство (УНСС)
Keywords: film industry; streaming; movie theater; economy
Summary/Abstract: This paper presents the film products market before and after the coronaviruspandemic, providing up-to-date information on both the changes in the classicconsumption of film products and the capacity of new ways of their distribution.Results are presented on the potential to restore market levels of classicdistribution channels to pre-pandemic levels, as well as the market opportunitiesfacing streaming platforms worldwide.

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