Нормативни изисквания регулиращи търговсата дейност на предприятията от химическата промишленост
Regulatory Framework of the Activities of Companies from the Chemical Industry

Author(s): Angelina Terzieva, Stanislav Dobrev
Subject(s): Economy, Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, EU-Legislation, Transport / Logistics
Published by: Университет за национално и световно стопанство (УНСС)
Keywords: rules; norms and directives; trade in chemical products
Summary/Abstract: This report provides an in-depth analysis of EU legislation in the field of economy with the production, import and volume of chemical products, describing the main regulations for their regulation. Low Union chemicals legislation aims to protect human health and the environment and prevent trade barriers from being raised. The order and manner of carrying out a safety assessment are determined on the basis of a comparative analysis of the requirements of international laws, regulations, national regulations and directives for the classification, storage, labeling and packaging of chemical products. Preserving the quality of goods in the process of the logistics chain, commercial activity and consumption is a major task, ensuring appropriate packaging, storage conditions and the correct choice of means of transport.

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