(Не)адекватност државне (ре)акције на криминалитет - сузбијање криминалитета
(In)adequacy of State (Re)action to Crime - Combating Crime

Author(s): Sadmir Karović, Marina M. Simović
Subject(s): Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Criminal Law, Criminology
Published by: Правни факултет Универзитета у Источном Сарајеву
Keywords: Criminal offense; Criminal procedure; Investigation; Proving;
Summary/Abstract: An efficient and energetic fight against all forms of crime requires appropriate legal solutions of material and procedural nature as a necessary condition for achieving the expected results of criminal justice. New phenomenological forms of crime, and especially specific forms of organized crime, inevitably require the adequacy of primarily institutional and non-institutional state response to crime in relation to timely, efficient and legal detection, investigation and proof of crimes. The introduction and prescribing of proportionate legal solutions of a material and procedural nature in relation to crime, directly affects the efficiency of criminal justice. In all phases, the conduct of the main and secondary (auxiliary) criminal procedural subjects in the criminal procedure of Bosnia and Herzegovina is directly determined and conditioned by restrictive legal conditions. This paper addresses crucial issue related to the (in)adequacy of the state response to crime with the aim of recognizing and identifying problems related to the complexity of detecting, investigating and proving criminal offenses.

  • Page Range: 494-513
  • Page Count: 20
  • Publication Year: 2022
  • Language: Serbian
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