Faktické projevy životního stylu dětí mladšího školního věku navštěvujících malotřídní školu
The real manifestations of the younger school-age children lifestyle attending a small rural school

Author(s): Emil Řepka, Lenka Glückseligová
Subject(s): Behaviorism, Rural and urban sociology, Sports Studies, Sociology of Education
Published by: Masarykova univerzita nakladatelství
Keywords: younger school age; lifestyle; sleep; fatigue; physical activity;
Summary/Abstract: An analysis of the younger school-age children lifestyle requires getting facts about their real behavior in the environment where they live. The aim of the study was to find out how children in small rural schools follow the rules of healthy lifestyle in everyday life. The research was attended by 78 pupils attending a small rural school. Their average age was 9.9 years. Of the total number, there were 41 boys and 37 girls. Schools were located in municipalities with less than 2000 inhabitants. Questionnaires of the daily regime of pupils (Řehulka, E., 1987) were used to determine the rate of sleep, the feeling of fatigue and the balance between work and rest. To register the weekly motion activity was used the YAMAX pedometer. Children fulfill the recommended sleep amount for their age. We did not find the difference between the sexes in the feeling of fatigue. Differences in work and rest balance between boys and girls are negligible. Children comply with the recommended PA standard by taking steps. At weekends, their physical activity is higher.

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