Špecifiká prozdravotnej edukácie rómskych žiakov na primárnom stupni vzdelávania
Specific features of the pro-health education of romany pupils attending primary schools

Author(s): Jozef Liba, Jana Burgerová
Subject(s): School education, Health and medicine and law, Ethnic Minorities Studies, Sociology of Education, Distance learning / e-learning, Pedagogy
Published by: Masarykova univerzita nakladatelství
Keywords: health; life-style; education to health; family; school education; romany pupil; pro-health school program; e-learning education;
Summary/Abstract: The paper reflects the recently obtained health-related and social-pathological data on Romany pupils. It specifies several adverse life-style parameters of Romanies as the manifestation and the consequence of their social, cultural, educational and linguistic incompatibility. The insufficient or even dysfunctional strategy of family education appears to be the factor preventing Romany children from acceptation of regulatory rules and standards. School is presented as a guaranteeing educational institution in the process of generating, stabilizing and interiorizing health-related values and rules. A significant potential of prohealth intervention programs is highlighted in terms of supportive health-education strategies. Last but not least, the paper points out the applicability of e-learning in the process of prohealth education at primary schools.

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