Výsledky realizace 1. roku projektu krátké intervence v praxi zdravotníků
Realisation Results – 1st Year of the Project of Brief Interventions in Practise of Health Professionals
Author(s): Lidmila Hamplová, Soňa Jexová, Renata Procházková, Eva Marková, Jana Hlinovská
Subject(s): Substance abuse and addiction, Health and medicine and law, Sports Studies, Pedagogy
Published by: Masarykova univerzita nakladatelství
Keywords: brief intervention; tobacco; alcohol; nutrition; physical aktivity; education;
Summary/Abstract: Short interventions is about practical approach, using illustrative educative cards, which are demonstrating danger of alcohol abuse, smoking and motivating to physical activate and healthy food habits. Task is clear – to increase health awareness of person being intervened and responsibility to own healthiness. Long term goal is to decrease incidence of illnesses, which are mainly caused by in-healthy living style and low pedigree of own heath. Short interventions are applicable across all age groups and financial cost are actually low. Students of General Nurse program of “Vysoká škola zdravotnická” were trained in short application intervention which are being realized crossed contracted partners under project of “Application of short intervention in practice”. This program was supported by grant program Ministry of Health and National health program – project of health support years 2016-2017.
Book: Život ve zdraví 2017: Soubor příspěvků z mezinárodní konference konané ve dnech 7.–8. září 2017
- Page Range: 45-51
- Page Count: 7
- Publication Year: 2017
- Language: Czech