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Support of health in the curriculum of a specific college and secondary school

Author(s): Hana Urbanová
Subject(s): School education, Higher Education , Health and medicine and law, Pedagogy
Published by: Masarykova univerzita nakladatelství
Keywords: school educational programs; curriculum; pedagogical documents; health education; minimal preventive program; medical specializations;
Summary/Abstract: The text is describing the research implementing in the diploma thesis with a title of "Health support in curriculum of Secondary Nursing School and Nursing College in Prague". The aim of qualitative research was to ascertain how this school has taken the chances of health support in its pedagogical documents, what lifestyle the teachers have and what is the concrete experience with an implementation of health support. The research was done with the help of three techniques of data collection: the method of half-structured interviews with selected teachers, analysis of relevant pedagogical documents and the method of observing during lessons and outside lessons. The inquiry also shown that issues of health support is very well anchored in curricular documents but limited personnel and capacitive opportunities of the school. Despite the fact it is possible to state, the health support at this school is being realized the way we can consider that as an example of good practice.

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