Evaluace vybraných výsledků dosaženého kurikula vzdělávacího oboru Výchova ke zdraví u žáků 9. ročníků základních škol
Evaluation of selected results of achieved curriculum in educational field of Health education in students in grade 9 of elementary school
Author(s): Michaela Hřivnová
Subject(s): School education, Evaluation research, Health and medicine and law, Pedagogy
Published by: Masarykova univerzita nakladatelství
Keywords: Health education; curriculum; Standards for elementary education – Health education; evaluation; quality of education;
Summary/Abstract: Quality of education is frequently evaluated by means of the level of students’ educational achievements. For a number of educational fields in lower secondary education a cascade of test tools has been developed to monitor the quality of education at a national and international level. For the educational field of Health education, so far there have been no evaluation tools to provide an overview of students’ achievements in this educational field. The aim of the present research was to develop an evaluation tool to monitor the achieved curricular level by students in the educational field of Health education and thus determine the level of adopted curriculum. The results of an initial didactic criterion-referenced test designed in compliance with the Standards for elementary education – Health education completed by 910 students in grade 9 of elementary school suggest that the level achieved curriculum appears to be insufficient and that there is a disproportion between the intended and achieved curriculum in the educational field of Health education. The test was successfully completed on average by 39% of students in grade 9; using the weighted score the success rate was 70%.
Book: Život ve zdraví 2017: Soubor příspěvků z mezinárodní konference konané ve dnech 7.–8. září 2017
- Page Range: 20-27
- Page Count: 8
- Publication Year: 2017
- Language: Czech