Узроци, последице и изазови старења затворске популације
Causes, Consequences and Challenges of Prison Population Aging
Author(s): Vladimir V. Veković, Violeta V. Ćulafić
Subject(s): Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Criminology, Penology, Penal Policy
Published by: Правни факултет Универзитета у Источном Сарајеву
Keywords: Elderly prisoners; Causes and consequences of the aging of the prison population; New paradigm of opposition to criminalty;
Summary/Abstract: The aging of prison population is a planetary phenomenon that should be observed in the context of the accelerated aging of the total population at the turn of the 2nd and 3rd millennium. Also, the increase in number of elderly prisoners resulted partly from the changes on the legislative level, as well as in the area of criminal prosecution and sentencing. Namely, with the aim of more successful control of crime, in 1980s and 1990s in the USA (and later in other parts of the world) an approach was promoted that involves the adoption of stricter laws, the prescription of high special minimum prison sentences for numerous crimes, the impositions of long sentences and restrictive enforcement, early release, introducing the practice of sentencing returnees convicted of a third serious crime to life imprisonment without the possibility of parole (three-strikes and you're out), etc. Given that prison sentences, if they are imposed en masse and last unreasonably long, result in the aging of the prison population (silver tsunami) and a series of unfavorable social, ethical, health and economic consequences, the awareness of the necessity of articulating a new paradigm of combating criminality has gradually matured, This qualitatively different approach includes more frequent application of alternative sanctions, reduction of incarceration, revision of harsh practice of imposing long sentences and easier approval of parole and compassionate release of older prisoners (back-door strategy) who do not pose a high security risk. Along with the development of policies and strategies to reduce the incarceration of the elderly, it is necessary to design and implement action programs aligned with their specific needs, as well as the highest international standards. This will make the prospects for re-socialization and social reintegration of the members of this vulnerable group much more realistic, and at the same time relieve the prison systems which, due to the numerous problems they have faced during the last decades, are on the verge of collapse.
Book: Зборник радова "Противрјечја савременог права" Том II
- Page Range: 423-437
- Page Count: 15
- Publication Year: 2022
- Language: Serbian