Роман-компьютерная игра Бориса Акунина «Квест»: от специфики жанра к продолжению игровой традиции в мировой литературе
The novel-computer game by Boris Akunin "Quest": from the specifics of the genre to the continuation of the gaming tradition in world literature

Author(s): Galina Prokudina
Subject(s): Studies of Literature, Russian Literature, Other Language Literature, Theory of Literature
Published by: Masarykova univerzita nakladatelství
Keywords: Boris Akunin; novel-computer game; Quest; specific genre;
Summary/Abstract: In this work the author discusses in a great detail a novel-computer game Quest by Boris Akunin. The novel is analysed from the aspects of its genre, structure, plot, narrative functions and style. The work deals with the phenomenon of the style of the novel-computer game in great depth. Additionally, the author includes a short historical section on the game tradition in literature.

  • Page Range: 161-171
  • Page Count: 11
  • Publication Year: 2017
  • Language: Russian
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