Dištančné vzdelávanie v matematike s akcentom na referenčné rámce rozvíjania kompetencii učiteľov a žiakov stredných škôl
Distance Education in Mathematics with an Emphasis on Reference Frameworks for the Development of Competencies of Teachers and Secondary School Students
Author(s): Lívia Hasajová
Subject(s): Education, School education, Distance learning / e-learning, Pedagogy
Published by: Masarykova univerzita nakladatelství
Keywords: distance education; online education; digital competences of teachers;
Summary/Abstract: The paper deals with the possibilities of researching online education in the framework of distance education in secondary schools. Based on a theoretical analysis of educational platforms and educational systems in the domestic and foreign environment, we present the results of relevant research. We specifically address the aspect of distance education in mathematics with an emphasis on the relationship to teachers and students at home and abroad in the context of secondary schools.
Book: 14. mezinárodní vědecká konference Didaktická konference 2021: Sborník příspěvků
- Page Range: 53-58
- Page Count: 6
- Publication Year: 2021
- Language: Slovak