Jihomoravské šibenice v písemných pramenech
South Moravian gallows in the written sources

Author(s): Daniel Wojtucki
Subject(s): Archaeology, Regional Geography, Local History / Microhistory, Modern Age, Criminology
Published by: Masarykova univerzita nakladatelství
Keywords: Gallows; South Moravia; History of executions in South Moravia;
Summary/Abstract: The places where the gallows stood still carry the name Gallows Mountain (Galgenberg), Justice (Gerichtsberg), Golgotha, Am Goling, Gallows, On gallows and so on. From the end of the 15th to the 18th century there was a process of replacing wooden gallows with brick gallows. A specific feature of gallows in central and northern Moravia is their quadrilateral ground plan in the shape of a square or rectangle, known from archaeological research and a description in Brno in 1788. The construction or repair of gallows was a complex matter in which many craftsmen had to participate due to the problems which could potentially discredit the workers as work on gallows was considered dishonourable. This is evidenced by documents from Šatov from 1661, Znojmo from 1650 and Brno from 1764. Besides brick gallows, wooden gallows (Schnellgalgen), known from Brno from 1603 and 1642, were also built for executions. Another place of execution of the death penalty by decapitation were beheading places (Rabenstei, Köpfhaus) existing in Brno, Znojmo or Tišnov. The description of the beheading place from Brno is know from 1788.

  • Page Range: 20-32
  • Page Count: 13
  • Publication Year: 2019
  • Language: Czech
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