Patočka a Rorty (pár poznámok k otázke slobody)
Patočka and Rorty [a few comments on a question of a freedom]
Author(s): Katarína Mayerová
Subject(s): Contemporary Philosophy
Published by: Masarykova univerzita nakladatelství
Keywords: Patočka; Rorty; freedom;
Summary/Abstract: In Patočka’s and Rorty’s philosophy, despite of the diametrically different concepts and the conditions in which they were created, they offer a common moment for the reconstruction of liberalism and the theoretical possibility of fulfilling the freedom of the personal entity. Patočka tries to point out the importance of transcendence for human life. He tries to save metaphysics, which not has to be necessarily dogmatic. He urges people to combine their spirituality with skepticism and modesty, and on the basis of the Socratic knowing of unknowing and with humility, they become the people who are opening for transcendence. Rorty in his reflections about man points to moral responsibility and tries to lead him to knowing itself and the to the ambition to take responsibility for his own action, because only man has unique possibilities and the ability to form his own authentic way of life. Rorty’s concept of freedom understood as a contingent phenomenon is based on the concept of the history of Western philosophy and is closely linked to the problem of metaphysics and truth as well as by Patočka. Based on reflections of human freedom (which are different in some moments, but in many of them, they are significantly complementary and they are blend together, both philosophers will try to point out some kind of timeless ideal of human freedom in relation to the context in which, and which we are thinking about.
Book: Jan Patočka a naše doba - Sborník příspěvků mezinárodní konference
- Page Range: 77-86
- Page Count: 10
- Publication Year: 2018
- Language: Czech