The Differentiation of the Socially Dangerous Consequences of the Crimes from the Socially Detrimental Consequences of Other Offences in the Light of the Crimes Against Religious Rights Cover Image
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Отграничаване на общественоопасните последици от престъплението от общественовредните последици от другите видове правонарушения в контекста на престъпленията против изповеданията
The Differentiation of the Socially Dangerous Consequences of the Crimes from the Socially Detrimental Consequences of Other Offences in the Light of the Crimes Against Religious Rights

Author(s): Silviya Cankova
Subject(s): Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Criminal Law, Canon Law / Church Law, Sociology of Law
Published by: Пловдивски университет »Паисий Хилендарски«
Keywords: crimes; consequences; religious rights
Summary/Abstract: Regardless of their variety, the consequences of the offences can be grouped in two categories according to their antisocial character. One group of the antisocial consequences of the offences has a negative impact on the social relations that affects solely the social relation at which the act committed is targeted. Thus the above mentioned antisocial consequence does not affect the foundations and the conditions for the existence and the development of the society as a whole. On the contrary, the other group of antisocial consequences has a negative impact on the foundations and the conditions for the existence and the development of the society as a whole, which means that these consequences are socially dangerous, dangerous for the society as a whole. An indicative example for socially dangerous consequences are those infringing the social relations, guaranteeing the right of the citizens to choose freely their religion. The praetor takes also into account that these books may also diminish the ability of the political organs to take decisions which according to the religion at the beginning of the II century B.C. are based on the God’s will.

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