Trnava ako historické centrum náboženského života
Trnava as a Historical Centre of Religious Life

Author(s): Ivan A. Petranský
Subject(s): Christian Theology and Religion, Jewish studies, Social history, History of Judaism, Other Christian Denominations, History of Religion
Published by: Masarykova univerzita nakladatelství
Keywords: City of Trnava; Religious life; Catholic Church; Evangelical Church of Augsburg Confession; Jewish religion;
Summary/Abstract: Trnava has a specific significance in the religious history of Slovakia, and in some historical periods this importance extends beyond the boundaries of Slovakia and, at the same time, it acquires a dimension that extends to other than religious and confessional aspects of society. The paper deals with the key problems of Trnava’s position in religious life, focusing largely on the importance of the town in the history of the Catholic Church from the Middle Ages up to the 20th century. In addition, it focuses on the history of the Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession and the Jewish religion as the confession which also shaped the history of the town. The issue is explored from the point of view of the possibilities of using the results for the preparation of excursion education, paying attention to specific places in Trnava which could be used for excursions.

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