Holokaust a jeho kontexty v Strážnici a Svatobořicích na podklade orálnych svedectiev preživších
The Holocaust and Its Contexts in Strážnice and Svatobořice Based on Oral Testimonies

Author(s): Slavomír Lesňák
Subject(s): Oral history, History of the Holocaust
Published by: Masarykova univerzita nakladatelství
Keywords: St. John's wort; Guardhouse; holocaust; oral testimonies; iWitness;
Summary/Abstract: The study examines the holocaust in the Moravian villages of Svatobořice and Strážnice using the micro-historical view. The transformations of the locality of Baráky in Svatobořice as well as the talk by the survivor Ruth Felix about her life reflect the „great history“ of the 20th century. The study draws information on both sites from the oral sources stored in the Visual History Archive (University of Southern California). The presentation of the field research concerns the locality of Baráky (Svatobořice – Mistřín), the former Roma settlement near Svatobořice, the synagogue and the Jewish cemetery in Strážnice and the house of Ruth Felixová on Bzenecká Street.

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