Formování regionální identity na příkladu vybraných významných osobností
Formation of Regional Identity in Examples of Selected Prominent Personalities

Author(s): Radim Štěrba
Subject(s): Regional Geography, Politics and Identity, Identity of Collectives
Published by: Masarykova univerzita nakladatelství
Keywords: regional identity; Strážnice; education; didactic transformation;
Summary/Abstract: The paper focuses on the development of regional identity among pupils by using the themes of important personalities associated with the given place. Within the defined region – the Hodonín region, the town of Strážnice, such prominent personalities were selected (B. Hrejsová, J. A. Komenský, M. Kudeříková, J. Skácel and J. Úprka), who represent the region, those that significantly exceed it and have significant international overlaps. At the same time, the text should serve as a starting material for the didactic implementation of the given topic into school education.

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