Od spoločného štátu k odlišným systémom samosprávy
From the Common State to Different Systems of Self-government

Author(s): Jozef Lenč
Subject(s): Politics, Governance, Recent History (1900 till today), Government/Political systems, History of Communism
Published by: Masarykova univerzita nakladatelství
Keywords: self-government; Czech and Slovak Republics; election; competences; political system; democracy;
Summary/Abstract: A century ago, the Czechs and the Slovaks began to build a common future, a political system and a way of managing communities, cities and regions. The attempt to establish a functional democracy was unsuccessful, however, the constitution of 1920 made it possible to form the basis of a democratic political system. During the years of cohabitation under the power of the Communist Party, the state, regional and local government were centralised on both sides of the Morava River under the power of the Communist Party. The Velvet Revolution (1989) and the subsequent peaceful separation of the Federation created space for their own way of governance at the level of municipalities and self-governing regions. Two different systems create a space for comparing the functionality and searching for the errors that were made during the formation of the systems. The missing municipalisation of the self-government is one of the mistakes which prevent our system of self-government from being perceived as effective and rational.

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