K problémům receptivní výchovy žáků ZUŠ
On the problems of receptive education of primary school pupils

Author(s): Pavel Šuranský
Subject(s): Education, Music, School education
Published by: Masarykova univerzita nakladatelství
Keywords: Music education; reception; elementary art schools; teacher; pupil-respondent; aesthetic perception; musical work; artificial music, music composer; musical period; music instruments;
Summary/Abstract: A crucial means to the education of music is active engagement with musical works. The aim of this study, which took place among students in 2017 upon the completion of their elementary compulsory education, was to discover the impact of music lessons and other musical education on receptive education, on the cultivation of their musical tastes and on their ability to identify selected musical samples from the area of artificial music. The participants of the study were during the study’s analysis sorted into students with basic musical education – elementary school/high school, and extended musical education – elementary art school/private music teacher. One of the hypotheses of the study was the notion that the extent of further musical study heightens students’ ability to identify the author, the name of a work and the work’s historical period. The effect of the studied musical instruments on the reception of the work of J.S. Bach on the part of the students of elementary art schools was one of the objects of the study of the Masaryk University’s Music Department, done in 2018.

  • Page Range: 163-169
  • Page Count: 7
  • Publication Year: 2018
  • Language: Czech
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