Geografie cestovního ruchu – oborově povinný předmět v bakalářském studiu obor Cestovní ruch a role jeho učitele jako experta
Geography of tourism – professionally compulsory subject in the bachelor’s degree in Travel/Tourism and the role of a teacher as an expert
Author(s): Petr Chalupka, Eva Janoušková
Subject(s): Education, Geography, Regional studies, Higher Education , Tourism
Published by: Masarykova univerzita nakladatelství
Keywords: Travel/Tourism; Geography; Geography of tourism; university teacher as an expert;
Summary/Abstract: The contribution demonstrates the need for geographic literacy of a graduate from studies in Travel/Tourism. The introduction specializes in the development and differentiation of geography. It is followed by characteristics of Geography of tourism as a scientific discipline and as a specialist subject in teaching. The final section of this paper is dedicated to professional qualifications of university teachers of Geography of tourism and other requirements of their personalities.
Book: 2. Mezinárodní kolokvium o cestovním ruchu: Sborník příspěvků. Pavlov, 15.–16. září 2011
- Page Range: 165-169
- Page Count: 5
- Publication Year: 2017
- Language: Czech