Podpora cestovního ruchu, vývoj a komparace v rámci programových období kohezní politiky EU s aspektem na regionální přeshraniční spolupráci
Support of Tourism, Evolution and Comparison in the frame of Programming periods of EU Cohesion Policy focusing Cross Border Cooperation
Author(s): Tereza Valášková
Subject(s): Economic policy, International relations/trade, EU-Accession / EU-DEvelopment, Tourism
Published by: Masarykova univerzita nakladatelství
Keywords: Tourism; Cohesion Policy of the European Union; Cross Border Cooperation;
Summary/Abstract: Tourism contributes in a positive way to the development of European regions. It contributes to the economic grow and employment creation. It takes part in preserving and appreciating natural, cultural heritages and local traditions. Tourism seems to be significant especially in the regions which may dispose of generally lower development potential or have peripheral character often due to the presence of a border. Therefore tourism plays a considerable role in meeting regional policy of European Union and reducing regional disparities. It is supported by financial instruments of European budged in frame of EU Cohesion policy and it is an important priority in Cross Border Cooperation programmes. This paper tackles the problematic of EU Cohesion Policy programmes´ support toward tourism. It analyses the evolution of the support to tourism from the European budget and it offers its comparison in the frame of programming periods of the European Cohesion Policy. A particular attention is given to the importance and to the support of tourism in the Cross Border Cooperation.
Book: 2. Mezinárodní kolokvium o cestovním ruchu: Sborník příspěvků. Pavlov, 15.–16. září 2011
- Page Range: 141-151
- Page Count: 11
- Publication Year: 2017
- Language: Czech