Otvorené partitúry a voľná improvizácia ako priestor pre rozvoj ansámblovej hry
Open scores and free improvisation as a space for the development of ensemble playing

Author(s): Daniel Matej
Subject(s): Education, Music
Published by: Masarykova univerzita nakladatelství
Keywords: ensemble performance practice; open scores; graphics scores; verbal scores; concepts; musical games; non-idiomatic improvisation; free improvisation; coached improvisation; conducted improvisation;
Summary/Abstract: The topic of this conference contribution is the current state of, and perspectives on, ensemble performance practice education at primary and secondary art schools and at art and arteducation universities through the implementation of the repertory and radical artistic concepts and procedures from the field of so called “new” (resp. “experimental”) music. The author of this contribution follows the development of this topic in the last 15 years (a period corresponding with his own pedagogical practice in this field), presents a few partial positive results of its implementation, and also notes a few arguments to support the integration of the above-mentioned repertory in the teaching process; he also proposes some practical solutions. Special attention is given to the problems of so called “open scores”, “free improvisation”, but also the use of so called “do-it-yourself instruments” (DIY), and small “lo-fi electronics” etc.

  • Page Range: 54-72
  • Page Count: 19
  • Publication Year: 2016
  • Language: Slovak
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