Одговорност држава у међународном праву: Осврт на савремене изазове и недостатке
Responsibility of States in International Law: Overview of contemporary challenges and deficiencies

Author(s): Matej Savić
Subject(s): Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, International Law
Published by: Правни факултет Универзитета у Источном Сарајеву
Keywords: Responsibility; State; International Legal Order; Legal order; Wrongful act; Sanction; International obligation; Legal personality;
Summary/Abstract: Responsibility in law is a special legal institute which arises from the violation of someone else's right, i.e., a legal good that is protected by valid (domestic)state norms. The general legal principle implies that every illegal act entails responsibility under the law and duty of the perpetrator to correct (compensate) the damage caused. However, the situation in the International Legal Order is significantly different. Regarding its nature , constitutive elements, manner of application and validity of international legal norms, and subjects of International Law, International Legal Responsibility has a number of limitations, but also a much wider range of conditioning. The responsibility of states and other legal entities, especially in contemporary circumstances and processes, is one of the most important issues in field of International Law. Also, in this paper, special attention is paid to the limitations of international judicial institutions. but also to the shortcomings in the application and execution of sanctions in International Law, i.e. the lack of institutionalized sanctions in general. In this paper, the author primarily deals with aspects of state responsibility in International Law, and consequently issues related to the general definition of international responsibility of individuals and international organizations. Certainly, the paper deals with certain issues related to criminal responsibility, political, political-legal responsibility of states, as well as civil responsibility of states in International Law.

  • Page Range: 122-148
  • Page Count: 27
  • Publication Year: 2022
  • Language: Serbian
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