Percepce jedince a problematika společnosti na pozadí dějinných událostí v ruském a bulharském prostředí (na příkladu děl b. Okudžavy a i. Vazova)
Perception of an Individual and Problems of Society Based on the Background of Historical Events in a Russian and Bulgarian Environment (from the Example of Works by Bulat Okudzhava and Ivan Vazov)

Author(s): Magdaléna Marie Semrádová
Subject(s): Psychology, Studies of Literature, Bulgarian Literature, Russian Literature, Sociology of Literature
Published by: Masarykova univerzita nakladatelství
Keywords: Slavonic literature; psychologization of human; historical novel; realistic novel; conception of the author; perception of society;
Summary/Abstract: The subject of this research is the concept of man and society in the second half of the 19th century in the context of Russian and Bulgarian literature. The research was carried out using a historical novel by Bulat Okudzhava called “Poor Avrosimov” and a realistic novel by Ivan Vazov titled “Under the Yoke”. Both texts contain specific features caused by different environments and influences which significantly contributed to the nature of the chosen works. The basis of the research is the reflection of the society and its changes by the narrator’s view through literary-scientific and sociological methods as well as comparative analysis. Continuity of both the work and the author forms one of the central pillars in the work. Further, we came to the conclusion that the historiosophical element fulfils an essential function in the works; it is necessary to remember significant historical events and to observe the movement of society as well as influences that affect the life of man. This way, we confirmed that literature fulfils its educational function, which the author greatly contributes to himself.

  • Page Range: 133-143
  • Page Count: 11
  • Publication Year: 2018
  • Language: Czech
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