Smysluplnost práce a spokojenost učitelů gymnázií
Sense of meaningfulness of work and satisfaction of grammar school teachers

Author(s): Karel Paulík
Subject(s): Language studies, Education, Psychology, Organizational Psychology
Published by: Masarykova univerzita nakladatelství
Keywords: work meaningfulness; work satisfaction; personality; Big Five;
Summary/Abstract: Objective. The aim of the paper is to analyze the relationship between the work satisfaction of the grammar school teachers and perceptions of the meaningfulness of their own work, ie phenomena that are based on the evaluation of work and working conditions and can be assumed to be related to working behavior. The influence of the personality features included in the Big Five five-factor model is also monitored. Method. The research was carried out at the grammar schools in Olomouc and MoravianSilesian Region with the participation of 169 teachers using questionnaire methods such as pencil and paper (questionnaire of life satisfaction DŽS, inventory of work meaningfulness WAMI and NEO FFI personality questionnaire). Results. The obtained data were evaluated using correlation and regression analysis. Achieved results suggest that work satisfaction and work meaningfulness is positively related to work sense, personality traits, exztraversion, agreeablesness and conscientiousness, and negative to neuroticism. In a relationship with work satisfaction, the sense of meaningfulness of work comes out as a predictor along with satisfaction with financial situation and leisure time. Conclusion. The results achieved correspond to expectations based on the theoretical knowledge and the results of further research. Limitations. wider generalization of achieved results is limited the shortcomings of the used methodology.

  • Page Range: 189-197
  • Page Count: 9
  • Publication Year: 2019
  • Language: Czech
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