Analiza wybranych zagadnień personalizacji usług bankowych na przykładzie rynku polskiego
Analysis of Banking Personalization Services on the Polish Market
A Review of Selected Issues
Author(s): Patrycja Fyda
Subject(s): Business Economy / Management, Financial Markets
Published by: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
Keywords: personalization; digital processes; bank services; web technology; personalization management;
Summary/Abstract: The main subject of the article is a matter of usage and marketing management of channels and web technology in the banking sector for individual customers in Poland. The research focuses on personalization by showing the actual shape of services in a client-oriented environment. The additional purpose of this article is to define ineffective customer service with a not innovative model used in the process. Research is based on literature reports analysis and data analysis. The quantitative study verifies the degree of use of channels for reaching the customer and the use of web technologies with the Polish banking sector as an example. Most of the reports were oriented toward the Polish market, but the definition of personalization is trying to be more open to a larger group of customers. The analysis process shows if banks are using channels and web data compared to active market competitors. As a result, the analysis has led to conclusions on understanding the potential for the use of personalization with recommendations for the future. The paper is practical and presents the process of using selected technology solutions in personalizing services and customer management.
Book: FinTech
- Page Range: 57-77
- Page Count: 21
- Publication Year: 2022
- Language: Polish