Author(s): Suad Kurtćehajić
Subject(s): Ethnohistory, Political history, Recent History (1900 till today), Nationalism Studies, WW II and following years (1940 - 1949), Fascism, Nazism and WW II, Identity of Collectives
Published by: Akademija Nauka i Umjetnosti Bosne i Hercegovine
Keywords: Bosnia and Herzeogivna; ZAVNOBIH; AVNOJ; Statehood; Multiethnic;
Summary/Abstract: Maintaining the First Session of ZAVNOBIH On November 25 represented one of the most significant events in BH history, because after 480 years, or after 1463 when Bosnia fell under the Ottomans, its citizens and peoples came for the first time in 1943 in a situation to decide freely with their will about their destiny. The historical circumstances that preceded this event, since the fall of Bosnia in the Ottoman Empire in 1463 were: Bosnia was given to the administration of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy by the decisions of the Berlin Congress in 1878 and then the annexation of Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1908 by Austro-Hungary, the creation of the Kingdom of SHS 1918, in which the Cvetković – Maček Agreement between Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1939 divided it between the Srbian and Croatian interest spheres which threatened the disappearance of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Thanks to Tito’s anti-fascist movement in war-torn Europe, the peoples of Bosnia and Herzegovina, with their struggle and success in it, have created the assumption that they can decide with their will what Bosnia and Herzegovina wants. The formulation contained in paragraph 5. of the Resolution of ZAVNOBiH unanimously adopted by 173 Councilors of ZAVNOBiH, which then expressed the leadership of the people of Bosnia and Herzegovina that their country, which is neither Serbian nor Croat, nor Muslim, but Serbian and Croatian and Muslim, is a free and banded Bosnia and Herzegovina in which full equality of Serbs, Muslims and Croats will be ensured, the foundations of the statehood and multiethnicity of Bosnia and Herzegovina are laid.

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