D’une note de nostalgie par un fleuve de souvenirs à un concert de louanges ou des syntagmes binominaux marqueurs de quantité indéterminée et/ou d’aspect
From a note of nostalgy to a flood of memories, to a chorus of praise – some notes on binominal syntagms expressing undetermined quantity and/or aspect
Author(s): Małgorzata Izert
Subject(s): Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics
Published by: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
Keywords: aspect; collocation; quantification; substantive quantifier
Summary/Abstract: In this paper we offer an analysis of some binominal syntagms of the DET N1 de N2 type in contemporary French. Among nouns that are used as determiners, we have chosen to analyse and then classify those which act as markers of undetermined quantity and/or as markers of different aspect. We call them nominal quantifiers and define them as formal markers of amplification of the reference objects designated by the nouns to which the quantifiers are added. The semantic analysis of these collocates allows for finding their exact paraphrases and proving that these nominal quantifiers (collocates) mark not only the quantitative value but also such aspect values as intensity, infinity, telicity, attenuation, inchoativity, dynamism, iteration and simultaneity.
Book: Dyskurs, przekład, poezja/Discours, traduction, poésie
- Page Range: 165-181
- Page Count: 17
- Publication Year: 2022
- Language: French