Людмила Высоцкая: польские истоки сибирской печатной книги
Lyudmila Vysotskaya: the Polish origins of the Siberian printed book
Author(s): Natalia P. Dworcowa
Subject(s): Cultural history
Published by: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
Keywords: Lyudmila Vysotskaya; Konstantin Vysotsky; Vasily Knyazev; Poles in Siberia; Siberian book
Summary/Abstract: The article is about Lyudmila Vysotskaya (Ludmiła Wysocka), the first female publisher in Tyumen, who inherited her father’s printing house and ran it for 23 years. Vysotskaya is considered in the context of (1) the history of four generations of the Vysotsky (Wysocki) family, a Polish family in Siberia, which became for them a place of exile and a native land and to whose transformation they contributed by printing books; (2) the specifics of female entrepreneurship in Siberia; and (3) the literary and artistic version of the Vysotskys’ Polish-Siberian history in V.V. Knyazev’s novel "Dedy" (“Grandfathers”). Thanks to the Vysotsky family, Siberian books exist not only as high art and business but also as a synonym for freedom and a way to preserve cultural memory.
Book: Herstoria. Autorki i bohaterki tekstów kultury
- Page Range: 63-77
- Page Count: 15
- Publication Year: 2022
- Language: Ukrainian