Защитни мерки за лицата, докладващи за изпирането на пари
Protective Measures for Persons Reporting to Money Laundering

Author(s): Lyubka Tzenova, Polina Kavrakova
Subject(s): Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence
Published by: Университет за национално и световно стопанство (УНСС)
Keywords: Breaches; Information on Breaches; Facilitator
Summary/Abstract: The article examines the measures proposed by the EU to protect persons who are obliged or on their own initiative to signal transactions and actions aimed at money laundering. The European legislator takes very seriously the need to create security guarantees for whistle-blowers and their families. As a result of serious and in-depth research, the European legislator has come to the conclusion that the adoption of a special directive introducing safeguards for such leases is particularly urgent.

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