Divergențe jurisprudențiale în materia formularului digital de intrare în țară, ca mijloc de prevenire a expunerii persoanelor la Covid-19
Jurisdictional Differences on the Digital Entry Form as a Means of Preventing Persons Exposure to Covid-19
Author(s): Andrei-Radu Dincă, Ioana-Anamaria Filote-Iovu
Subject(s): Social Sciences, Economy, Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Civil Law, Sociology, Health and medicine and law, ICT Information and Communications Technologies
Published by: Universul Juridic
Keywords: digital entry form; pandemic; territorial jurisdiction; temporary law; decriminalization;
Summary/Abstract: In the present study, the authors aim to highlight the successive legislative changes implemented in domestic law in the context of the introduction of the digital entry form, in order to combat the effects of Covid-19 pandemic. The authors also present the differences in judicial practice in the application of specific legislation, aimed at determining the territorial jurisdiction to resolve cases having as object a contraventional complaint, by reference to successive amendments to the law, on the the relevant moment for establishing the competence and the legal consequences resulting from these legislative changes. Finally, the authors aim to offer some solutions arising from the analysis of the identified jurisprudential problems.
Book: Dreptul si crizele globale. Implicatii jurdice ale crizei sanitare
- Page Range: 20-29
- Page Count: 10
- Publication Year: 2022
- Language: Romanian