Модификатори прилагателни имена, които се съчетават с лексемите толерантност и търпимост – съпоставително корпусно изследване
Adjectives as Modifiers, Collocating with the Lexemes ‘Tolerantnost’ and ‘Tarpimost’ – a Comparative Corpus Study
Author(s): Bilyana Todorova
Subject(s): Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Morphology, Comparative Linguistics, Philology
Published by: Институт за български език „Проф. Любомир Андрейчин“, Българска академия на науките
Keywords: ‘tarpimost’, ‘tolerantnost’; collocation; corpus data; modifiers
Summary/Abstract: The paper aims to check the topicality of the dictionary definitions of the synonyms ‘tolerantnost’ and ‘tarpimost’ in contemporary media speech according to corpus data. For this reason, the study investigates the use of the words in Bulgarian Web 2012 with the help of Sketch Engine. The research includes their frequency in the corpus and their collocation with the adjectives as modifiers. The hypothesis is that the lexeme ‘tolerantnost’ is more typical for the official discourse and it is linked with group rights and liberties whereas the lexeme ‘tarpimost’ is connected to the interpersonal communication. The data reveals that the modifiers with the highest frequency of both lexemes collocate with each of them. At the same time, ‘tolerantnost’ and ‘tarpimost’ are often used together in one phrase and therefore, their meaning is not completely the same. The conclusion is that additional research of their collocations and of the contexts they are used is needed so as to reveal the difference in their meanings.
- Page Range: 127-134
- Page Count: 8
- Publication Year: 2022
- Language: Bulgarian