Политиката на „Дой Мой“ и реформирането на Виетнам: икономически и политически аспекти
The Doi Moi Policy and Reforms in Vietnam: Economic and Political Aspects

Author(s): Ivsun Chan
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Economy, Economic policy, International relations/trade
Published by: Университет за национално и световно стопанство (УНСС)
Keywords: Vietnam; Doi Moi; economy; trade; ASEAN; reforms; FDI
Summary/Abstract: From the standpoint of economic transformations, Vietnam‘s development has been described by experts as a real miracle, which gives grounds for the country to be qualified in the modern scientific literature as a „Southeast Asian tiger of transition“. In this respect, the paper explores the processes of reforming of the state through the lens of their historical, economic and political aspects. As a key element is identified the policy of „Doi Moi“, which is the basis for renewal and progress. The research also discusses the formed specific „system of market socialism“ that has an impact on the explicit measures that are being implemented so as to accelerate not only the domestic economic development but also the intensification of external economic relations. The author looks also at Vietnam‘s accession to important international organizations such as ASEAN and the WTO, and the creation of favorable business climate of welcoming tax policies, assisting the country to stand out among the areas of high attractiveness to foreign investors.

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