Иранското „лято“ в персийската вселена на Евразия – новата геостратегическа и геополитическа трансформация на Хартленда или началото на новата голяма игра след полета на Ламасу от 1400 година
The Iranian “Summer” in the Persian Universe of Eurasia – the New Geostrategic and Geoplitical Transformation of the Hearthland or The Beginning of the New Great Game after The Flight of Lamasu in 1400 Sh.

Author(s): Michael Kozarski
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, International relations/trade, Geopolitics
Published by: Университет за национално и световно стопанство (УНСС)
Keywords: geopolitics; geopolitical knot; Iran; Lamasu; Hartland; geostrategic; Great powers; poles of power
Summary/Abstract: The global pandemic situation and the super-realistic experience of a forgotten Karel-Chapek reality from the White Disease, as well as the daily threat of state lock-downs in the eyes of Steven Sodeberg, refracted through the prism of the two-year-old coronavirus disease - called COVID-19 - marks our "Normal" reality. The redistribution of power by regional and global players in the Middle East is also no less significant, which is mostly felt by the events in the Persian universe in 2021. Iran's final turn to the east and its even greater involvement in the One Belt, One Road project suggest even more tension and conflict along the Washington-Beijing axis. In the third decade of the 21st century, the need to reformulate the current world order is becoming more and more important. The old geopolitical notion of the Heartland needs to be revised, and hence a re-examination of a culture unconsciously forgotten in recent decades, and its perception of geopolitics - namely Persian - most tentatively represented by the core of its bearer, the Islamic Republic of Iran as the successor to the former Persian Empire.

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