Регенеративно земеделие – още една концепция за устойчивост с фокус почвено здраве
Regenerative Agriculture – Another Sustainability Concept Focusing on Soil Health
Author(s): Kristina Todorova
Subject(s): Economy, Agriculture
Published by: Университет за национално и световно стопанство (УНСС)
Keywords: regenerative agriculture; ecosystem services
Summary/Abstract: Regenerative agriculture is not a new approach for envi ronmentally friendly farming, but it has gained considerable popu larity in the last few years. The symbiotic link between improved soil health and increased yields is the driving force behind regenerative agriculture to become a new potential model of governance that seeks a balance between production and environmental sustainability. This report aims to briefly present the concept, as well as to summarize the most commonly used regenerative practices. A comparison is made between Bulgaria and the United States in the implementation of basic types of regenerative measures, as well as examples of changes in revenues and expenditures due to these activities.
Book: Мултифункционални устойчиви селски райони чрез адаптиране на моделите и системите на земеделие
- Page Range: 209-223
- Page Count: 15
- Publication Year: 2021
- Language: Bulgarian