Improving Human Capital, an Opportunity Towards Sustainable Development – a Case Study
Improving Human Capital, an Opportunity Towards Sustainable Development – a Case Study
Author(s): Irena Boboli, Drita Luzo
Subject(s): Economy, Agriculture, Tourism, Human Resources in Economy
Published by: Университет за национално и световно стопанство (УНСС)
Keywords: local community; sustainable development; tourism; protected areas
Summary/Abstract: The role of local communities is basic in the sustainable development of protected areas, as these communities have the knowledgeand opportunity to have a key role in the management and promo tion of these areas. The concept of sustainability is based on the premise that locals are the main actors of development, not only as the main beneficiaries, but also as part of the tourist experience. The spaces of these areas apart from the fact that they serve environmental purposes, can also serve the local communities by highlighting the natural beauties of an area and turning it into a tourist destina tion. This will result in the economic development of the area, keep ing the population in the area and managing the protected areas correctly and sustainably. This work includes the protected area The National Park Fir of Hotova – Dangëlli that is considered as the „Natural Lung“ of Southern Albania. The Fir of Hotova – Dangëlli, is a source of tourist value where its offer includes not only natural but also cultural heritage, which can be considered as potential develop ment for this area. Many villages in this area are well known for their culture, tradition, culinary etc. One of these villages is Pagri. Even though it offers an unrepeated board landscape, this natural park which can be visited every season of the year remains a hidden charm for visitors and tourists. All these resources and values are almost un known, due to the lack of experience and organization of the locals, the lack of communication does not help it to be frequented. The purpose of this study is to improve human capacity in the village of Pagri and it is intended to create a more integrated tourist product, in function of sus tainable rural development of this area.
Book: Мултифункционални устойчиви селски райони чрез адаптиране на моделите и системите на земеделие
- Page Range: 105-118
- Page Count: 14
- Publication Year: 2021
- Language: English