Предизвикателства и проблеми на структурните промени в аграрния сектор на Североизточен район
Challenges and Problems of Structural Changes in the Agricultural Sector of the Northeast Region
Author(s): Albena Miteva, Ivan Kanchev
Subject(s): Economy, Agriculture
Published by: Университет за национално и световно стопанство (УНСС)
Keywords: rural areas; agricultural model; structural changes
Summary/Abstract: The aim of the study is to reveal the problems of structural changes in the agricultural sector of the Northeast region. The analysis uses statistical data for the period of our country's membership in the EU. To assess the importance of agriculture in the region and the trends in its development, are presented data from expert assessment of specialists from the regional offices of the State Fund „Agriculture“ and the National System of Agricultural Advice. On this basis, the peculiarities of the formed model of agriculture in the Northeast region are derived in terms of changes in the size of farms, production specialization, organizational parameters, diver sification of activities, application of agri-environmental practices and others.
Book: Мултифункционални устойчиви селски райони чрез адаптиране на моделите и системите на земеделие
- Page Range: 71-91
- Page Count: 21
- Publication Year: 2021
- Language: Bulgarian