Системите и моделите на земеделие и ролята им за развитието на селските райони
The Systems and Models of Agriculture and Their Role for the Development of Rural Areas
Author(s): Julia Doitchinova
Subject(s): Economy, Agriculture
Published by: Университет за национално и световно стопанство (УНСС)
Keywords: agricultural system; agricultural models; rural development
Summary/Abstract: Bulgaria's accession to the EU introduced new rules and policies for agricultural development. They found expression in changes in the systems and models of agriculture. The aim of the report is to analyze the changes in the systems and models of agriculture and to assess their impacts on rural development. Quantitative and qualitative methods were used. Based on the expert assessment of 163 specialists from all over the country, the impacts of the changes in the agriculture of the rural areas are assessed.
Book: Мултифункционални устойчиви селски райони чрез адаптиране на моделите и системите на земеделие
- Page Range: 11-34
- Page Count: 24
- Publication Year: 2021
- Language: Bulgarian