Savjet evrope i evropski sud za ljudska prava – pojam i značaj institucija u procesu evropskih integracija
Council of Europe and European court of human rights – concept and importance of institutions in the process of european integrations
Author(s): Ana Zec
Subject(s): Politics, Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, Government/Political systems, EU-Accession / EU-DEvelopment, EU-Legislation, Court case
Published by: Centar za građansko obrazovanje (CGO)
Keywords: Council of Europe; ECHR; human rights; institutions; european integration;
Summary/Abstract: Council of Europe, the oldest political organisation on European continent, has been established in 1949. It unites 45 countries which are obliged to „accept the principle of the rule of law and respect of human rights and fundamental freedoms for all persons under its jurisdiction“ (Article 3 of the Council of Europe Statute). Any serious breach of human rights by the member states may lead to their suspension or expelling from the membership. Council of Europe establishes standards in the field of protection and affirmation of human rights, and these standards must be accepted and implemented by all member states. Council of Europe also establishes mechanism for protection of those standards: Protection of civil and political rights through individual complaints is accomplished through mechanism provided by the European Convention on human rights (before the European Court for Human Rights); Protection of social and economic rights is established through mechanisms of the European social charter; Protection of rights of national minorities is accomplished through mechanisms of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities; Protection of gender equality principles is accomplished through mechanisms of the Steering Committee for gender equality. To candidate states as well as new member states, Council of Europe provides expert assistance and supports national thriving in consolidating democratic society and implementation of Council of Europe standards; that is in compliment with the commitments which a member state has undertaken upon becoming a member. The support of the Council of Europe is realized through local field office, which operates in Montenegro since 2001. The Office realizes numerous projects relating to: reform of legislation, reform of judiciary, police reform, educational reform, development of local democracy, enhancement of free, independent and pluralistic media, fight against trafficking in human beings, corruption and other forms of organized crime.
Book: 21 priča o demokratiji
- Page Range: 195-202
- Page Count: 8
- Publication Year: 2005
- Language: Montenegrine