Глобални и регионални рискове във веригите на доставки
Global and Regional Risks in the Supply Chains

Author(s): Katya Hristova
Subject(s): Economy, Transport / Logistics
Published by: Университет за национално и световно стопанство (УНСС)
Keywords: risks; supply chain; expert assessment; transport
Summary/Abstract: The topic of risks becomes increasingly relevant in today's society. Risk, in the most general sense, is „an activity related to overcoming uncertainty in a situation of inevitable choice,“ according to A.S. Shapkin. This type of situations accompany the life of mankind and therefore the scientific literature abounds in definitions and classifications of risks. And the risks in supply chains are becoming more and more relevant in the global way of production and distribution. Under the project No INI -KP-06-H35/14 of 19.12.2019 Economic, geopolitical and social risks in the development of modern Bulgaria „to the Bulgarian National Science Fund, part of which is the present report, an expert assessment is provided, based on interviews with experts in the field of logistics and economics to identify global and local risks in logistics and supply chains, and those related to transport.

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