Équivalents polonais du verbe vivre dans le corpus parallèle français-polonais
Polish equivalents of the verb vivre in the French-Polish parallel corpus

Author(s): Joanna Cholewa
Subject(s): Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Foreign languages learning
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Keywords: semantic plurivocity; parallel corpus; vivre; Polish equivalents
Summary/Abstract: The present paper aims to analyze the semantic plurivocity of the verb vivre in the Parallel Corpus of Literary Texts, composed of French literary documents and their translations into Polish, as well as the heterogeneity of its equivalents in the target language. The semantic richness of vivre is highlighted according to the seventeen uses that the dictionnary Les verbes français offers for this verb. The objective of the analysis is to specify: (a) which of the uses of vivre are statistically the most significant; (b) what verbal or other strategies are used to translate occurrences with different uses of vivre. The analysis highlights four uses of vivre: ‚to be alive’, ‚to reside’, ‚to endure’ and ‚to have such a way of life’. Among their equivalents, there are not only żyć, but also mieszkać, as well as the prefixal derivatives of żyć, whose functioning should be clarified by the dictionaries.

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