Vivir en tiempos de odio. Concha Castroviejo y la ficcionalización del malestar femenino en “Víspera del odio” (1958)
Living in a Time of Hatred. Concha Castroviejo and the Fictionalization of Female Unrest in "Víspera del odio" (1958)

Author(s): Luca Cerullo
Subject(s): Literary Texts, Studies of Literature, Novel
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Keywords: Female Literature; novel; Concha Castroviejo; francoism; patriarchy
Summary/Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to analyse the novel "Vispera del odio" (1958), by Concha Castroviejo, with special focus on its impact as a literary testimony of the female condition during the Francoist years. The central plot in the novel revolves around an unhappy marriage, with the wife experiencing violence from her husband. The dramatic situation became a common element in many novels written by women of that time, hence the paradigmatic value of a general condition of feminine struggle that defines a consequent attitude and ability of surviving to adverse historical and social circumstances.

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