SUPRADOTAREA DIN PERSPECTIVA DEZVOLTĂRII. Atitudini și aptitudini pentru a deveni mai creativ
GIFTEDNESS FROM A DEVELOPMENTAL PERSPECTIVE. Attitudes and skills to become more creative

Author(s): Marinela Rusu
Subject(s): Social Sciences, Psychology, Individual Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Personality Psychology
Published by: Biblioteca Ştiinţifică a Universităţii de Stat Alecu Russo
Keywords: creativity; development; contextual; facets of creation;
Summary/Abstract: Creativity is a complex process with deep sources in the individual consciousness. This fascinating, human-specific process has been approached over time from several perspectives. In the first part of the paper we will describe the main theoretical approaches in the field of creativity, defining the concepts of "gifted", "talented", gifted. Among the most important concepts on giftedness that we will analyze, we mention: general models specific to the field, systemic models, contextual model and development model, through which specific concepts were redefined, which also led to the realization of psychometric tools. necessary for the scientific confirmation, through empirical data of the theses theoretically described. The development perspective emphasizes the idea of the possibility that some special qualities or intellectual qualities that the individual has from birth to be amplified to excellence by their contextual modeling, in the school, social or family environment. The analysis of the Model of the five facets of the creative process, proposed by Annette Moser-Wellman (2001) is part of a development perspective, in which, through individual effort, self-control and perseverance, a high level of creativity can be achieved. These new attitudes and skills refer to the ability to visualize, to develop and maintain an ever-awake curiosity, to transform mistakes into opportunities to discover and understand other levels of reality, to use past experience, analogy, imitation in a new pattern, relaxation and introspection, immersion in the beautiful aspects of the world, and the use of wise thinking, defined by simplicity. Finally, creativity is a process in which both innate qualities (endowment) and context (educational, social and historical) are involved, which define, meet, and support the manifestation and creative productivity of the individual. Additional means of individual development will always facilitate creativity and amplify it.

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