Показатели за оповестяване на печалбите: коригирани печалби, EBIT и EBITDA
Profit Disclosure Indicators: Adjusted Profits, EBIT and EBITDA

Author(s): Daniela Georgieva
Subject(s): Economy, Accounting - Business Administration
Published by: Университет за национално и световно стопанство (УНСС)
Keywords: EBIT; EBITDA; profit; financial statements
Summary/Abstract: As well as their audited financial statements, prepared on the basis of applicable accounting standards, in the annual activity reports or in other reports aimed at a wider range of stakeholders, companies also disclose additional data on their profits, including adjusted profit indicators such as profit before interest, taxes and depreciation. The aim of the study is to analyze the approach to presenting information about the achieved financial results, examining the content of specific financial indicators for profit, disclosed by public companies in official sources of information. It is concluded that the focus of the public information provided is on adjusted profits, and some of these indicators are listed as key for the year (e.g. EBITDA). Adjustments relate to the elimination of certain types of expenses that do not find a monetary realization, such as depreciation, impairment, exchange rate losses, losses from changes in fair value, etc. As a result, on one hand there is a stronger link between operating profit and cash flow, but on the other hand, the reported adjusted profits are in almost every case much higher than the profits, established in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards.

  • Page Range: 87-96
  • Page Count: 10
  • Publication Year: 2022
  • Language: Bulgarian
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