Gehört Frauensprache einer anderen Sprachwelt an? Zu den Unterschieden im Sprachgebrauch von Männern und Frauen
Does women's language belong to another language world? On the differences in the use of language by men and women

Author(s): Alma Halidović, Zerina Hadžić
Subject(s): Language studies, Gender Studies, Sociolinguistics
Published by: Filozofski fakultet Univerziteta u Sarajevu
Keywords: language; gender; men; women; use differences;
Summary/Abstract: The work deals with the constellation "language and gender" based on spoken German texts. Does women's language belong to a different language world? Do women and men speak differently? How do women act linguistically? Is there even a male or female language? In everyday language, one has the impression that there are really strong differences between men and women. The work begins with a research overview, in which the essential approaches, problems, goals and results of the previous linguistic gender research are presented. This section is followed by the corpora recorded and transcribed from Datenbank für Gesprochenes Deutsch (DGD), the corpus management system in the Oral Corpora program area of the Institute for German Language (IDS). The analysis of the following features (using the hedges, tag questions and intensifiers) will show if certain linguistic structures indicate a female or male conversation style.

  • Page Range: 128-144
  • Page Count: 17
  • Publication Year: 2019
  • Language: German
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