Европейската интеграция на Западните Балкани след КОВИД-19
European Integration of Western Balkans after COVID-19
Author(s): Milen Zhelev
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, EU-Accession / EU-DEvelopment
Published by: Университет за национално и световно стопанство (УНСС)
Keywords: European Integration; Western Balkans; COVID-19; European Union
Summary/Abstract: The report examines the bilateral processes of applying for membership in the European Union in the countries of the region Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Northern Macedonia, Serbia, Kosovo and Montenegro. The report's methodology will include a content analysis of public communication between the official institutions of the candidate countries for EU membership and the institutions of the EU themselves. Depending on the specifics of each country and its relative progress in the negotiations with Brussels, a comparative analysis of the various local issues will be conducted. As a common indicator in the comparative study concerning the different countries in the region, at the beginning of each one there will be considered three chronologically arranged however randomly selected events that occurred immediately before and during the growth of the pandemic, cause by COVID-19. The hypothesis that the COVID-19 phenomenon has a direct impact on the integration processes of the countries of the Western Balkans will be empirically proven or refuted.
Book: ЕС след Ковид-19: ефекти, поуки, перспективи
- Page Range: 16-29
- Page Count: 14
- Publication Year: 2022
- Language: Bulgarian