Audit of Cryptocurrency Transactions
Audit of Cryptocurrency Transactions
Author(s): Iryna Zhurakovska
Subject(s): Economy, Accounting - Business Administration
Published by: Университет за национално и световно стопанство (УНСС)
Keywords: cryptocurrency; audit; audit procedures; accounting
Summary/Abstract: Every year, the cryptocurrency is more active in the global financial market, offering users more convenient and cheaper terms of payment. In addition, it allows you to receive financial income, makes it more and more competitive in the electronic money market. Over the past decade, it is cryptocurrency that has provided the largest increase in the value of assets and the number of services for the population and business. Accordingly, both accounting and auditing are obliged to meet the challenges of the modern economy. The use of cryptocurrency primarily influences the choice of audit procedures. Since, along with traditional audit procedures, it is important to apply new methods to reduce the risks of inaccurate currency valuation and identify possible fraud. The procedures, along with the validation of reporting figures, should ensure that the business is held accountable to the public for the veracity of transactions. While this is more like cybersecurity, its assessment should also be a major part of the expert audit process. Our study summarized the theory and practice of auditing cryptocurrency transactions, analyzed the main procedures and proposed our own audit sequence in accordance with the International Standards for Quality Control, Auditing, Reviews, and other assignments. Auditors do not assess the state of cybersecurity, however, they use information, the veracity of which is associated with the risks of unauthorized access to IT systems and data. Therefore, for a cryptocurrency, the state and assessment of the IT system of an enterprise has a direct impact on the indicators of financial statements.
Book: Икономиката на България и Европейския съюз: финанси, счетоводство, финансов контрол
- Page Range: 462-469
- Page Count: 8
- Publication Year: 2022
- Language: English