За необходимостта от разширяване на предмета, правомощията и ролята на президента в системата на държавно управление в Република България
On the Need to Expand the Subject, Powers And Role of The President in the System of Government in the Republic of Bulgaria
Author(s): Emil Asenov
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Governance, Public Administration, Government/Political systems
Published by: Университет за национално и световно стопанство (УНСС)
Keywords: president; constitution; constitutional powers; legitimacy; legality; controlling; Council of Ministers; Council of State
Summary/Abstract: The article analyzed the powers of president of the Republic of Bulgaria conclusion which can be reached is that the Bulgarian constitution are a number of false and conjuncture solutions as a result of which there is inadequate transformation of the high electoral legitimacy of the president in significantly reduced institutional capacity. The limited constitutional powers of the President are a serious structural defect of the system of state power in Bulgaria , which leads to a violation of the necessary balance between the authorities and does not hinder the establishment and functioning of the system of mutual control between them. It is necessary that the constitutional powers of each state institution should be harmonized as much as possible with its legitimate status. In this connection defines our proposals from functional systemic and structural nature that would allow the presidential institution to take a more independent and equal position in relation to other states power. They would provide an opportunity for the Bulgarian president to be given a new, important role in the system of government. The new increased, functional capacity of the presidential institution would enable it to take its rightful place, given its degree of legitimacy. New they functionalities of the presidential institution would allow it and be an important factor in strengthening of statehood , as well as reorganization of the political system in Bulgaria.
Book: Икономиката на България и Европейския съюз: финанси, счетоводство, финансов контрол
- Page Range: 407-431
- Page Count: 25
- Publication Year: 2022
- Language: Bulgarian