Стратегия за развитието на финансово-стопанския анализ
Financial and Business Analysis Development Strategy

Author(s): Rositsa Ivanova
Subject(s): Economy, Accounting - Business Administration
Published by: Университет за национално и световно стопанство (УНСС)
Keywords: financial and economic analysis; development; theory; practice; strategy
Summary/Abstract: The financial and business analysis is a successor and continuer of the business analysis and the analysis of the enterprise’s economic activity. The financial and business analysis is a science that has its own place in the scientific space, it is a specialized function of the management of every enterprise, and a practice that is widely applied in the economy. From the perspective of this triune objective expression, the financial and business analysis is a compulsory and irrevocable discipline that is put on the curricula of the students in education and qualification degree Bachelor and education and qualification degree Master at the Accounting and Analysis Department of UNWE. The object of this study covers the financial and business analysis and its triune expression, while its subject refers to the past and the present and the strategy for its development in the Accounting and Analysis Department of UNWE. Based on the historic and logical approach, it is aimed at describing the perspectives for improvement and development of the disciplines in the field of financial and business analysis taught to students studying in various specialties at the Accounting and Analysis Department of UNWE.

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